Working with Neovim from Obsidan

Published on:2024/12/11
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With Obsidian slowly taking more and more space in my workflow, the "Emacs is a great OS but lacks a decent editor" meme remains true.

But one of the many lesson I have leartn from Emacs/Orgmode is to stop fighting with evil.
Sometime there's just no emulating the real thing especially when it launches in a fraction of a second.

Opening Neovim from Obsidan

Opens the current file.
As a QuickAdd macro, assuming Kitty as a terminal.


module.exports = async (params) => {
  const { app, quickAddApi } = params;
  async function main() {
    const path = app.workspace.getActiveFile().path;
    const vault = app.vault.adapter.basePath;

    const command = `kitty --class nvim-obsidian nvim --cmd "cd ${vault}" "${vault}/${path}"`;
    require("child_process").exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
      if (error) {
        console.error(`Error: ${error.message}`);
      if (stderr) {
        console.error(`stderr: ${stderr}`);
      console.log(`File opened in Neovim: ${path}`);

  await main().catch(console.error);

Desktop environment

Using a tiling window manager, we would probably prefer the new terminal window containing neovim to be on top of the current obsidian window it has been called from


bspc rule -a nvim-obsidian state=floating

With Hyprland:

windowrulev2 = float,class:^(nvim-obsidian)$

Going further

Something like Devour could probably help make the transitin between Obsidian and Neovim although Electron's windowing system has been notably difficult to deal with.

There could also be a use for Nvim's remotes